
Copy Protection Methods for X-Ways Forensics

As of April 2024 (subject to change), switching from one copy protection method to another for existing licenses may be possible on request, for a fee or at a special license renewal rate, except where noted as free:

From ↓

To →

Regular dongle with a perpetual license   ✔ free† ✔°
Network dongle with a perpetual license   ✔ free† ✔°
Network dongle with a non-perpetual license  
BYOD with a non-perpetual license ✔* ✔*   ✔*
BYOD with a perpetual license  
BYOD+ with a non-perpetual license ✔ at the
next renewal
✔ at the
next renewal

* if no active .lic file exists at the moment
° if you accept that your perpetual license will be converted to a non-perpetual license, only possible if your access to updates did not expire too long ago
† free if you also upgrade the licenses with longer access to updates