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X-Ways Investigator

X-Ways Investigator


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X-Ways Investigator是一个为执法部门、私人调查机构提供的强大的案件调查、文件分析,汇总报告的平台。本软件主要提供给其他非计算机法证专业人士(这些专业人士通常是各个领域的权威专家,但计算机知识可能不足),用于财务、反洗钱、反贪污、刑事、色情等案件调查。X-Ways Investigator基于 X-Ways Forensics 软件开发,精简了用户界面,为非计算机专业人士去除了一些复杂的技术选项。

    X-Ways Investigator 的基本工作方式为:计算机法证专家利用X-Ways Forensics软件,预先对证据数据进行一些专业的技术处理,然后将证据的查看和分析工作分解为若干小块,交给其他调查人员协同分析。其他调查人员无须掌握专业的计算机法证知识,也能够进行数据查看和分析。这种协同工作方式,不仅降低了计算机法证专家的工作量,可以更快速地将证据材料转交给其它调查人员,极大地提高证据分析的效率。

更多X-Ways Investigator软件的信息,以及证据文件管理器的优势,请 查看幻灯

X-Ways Investigator 永远随X-Ways Forensics同时升级,价格仅为一半。目前,只有X-Ways Forensics的合法用户才能订购。如果希望知道X-Ways Investigator的界面以及实际功能,请在X-Ways Forensics|常规选项|中,启用|非IT调查员用户界面|。

X-Ways Investigator comes at less than half the price of X-Ways Forensics, and considerable volume discount for higher quantities is available. We recommend X-Ways Investigator to organizations that also use X-Ways Forensics, not necessarily as a stand-alone product! If before you buy you would like to know precisely how the X-Ways Investigator user interface looks like and what it can do, please enable the X-Ways Investigator GUI in the General Options dialog window in X-Ways Forensics. The degree to which the user interface is reduced and simplified is partially customizable. X-Ways Investigator does not come with its own manual and program help, instead the manual and help of WinHex/X-Ways Forensics is used.


  • 完整的案件管理和日志记录功能
  • 自动生成HTML格式案件报告,可以用Word等程序查看并编辑
  • 文件阅读器 支持上百种文件格式
  • 支持文件打印,且可在封面中包含文件元数据信息
  • 支持读取包含 FAT12/16/32, TFAT, exFAT, NTFS, Ext2/3/4, CDFS, UDF, HFS, HFS+, ReiserFS, Reiser4, APFS, XFS, BtrFS, QNX, UFS, UFS2文件系统的存储介质或镜像文件
  • 可识别 DD镜像和 .e01 证据文件格式
  • 可分析X-Ways Forensics制作的证据文件管理器中的文件
  • 能够运行关键词搜索,支持逻辑搜索和索引搜索(索引搜索数据需由 X-Ways Forensics 制作)
  • 强大的搜索及搜索结果预览功能,支持关键字临近的上下文预览。如:可搜索Documents and Settings目录下,最后访问时间为2004年,包含关键词A, B,  D 的doc和ppt文件
  • 以缩略图方式预览图片,日历方式查看文件日期
  • 案件报告中可关联文件注释或过滤信息
  • 可标记文件,并将所标记的文件添加至自定义案件报告中
  • 软件窗口左侧显示目录数结构,能够浏览并标记相关目录及子目录
  • 强大的动态过滤功能,能以文件类型、哈希库、时间、文件大小、注释、报告表等方式组合进行文件过滤
  • 通过递归浏览功能,同时显示所有目录下的文件和删除数据
  • 肤色图片检测功能,(根据肤色比例,以画廊方式排序,加速对色情图片、黑白图片的搜索)
  • Interface for PhotoDNA (only for law enforcement), which can recognize known pictures (even if stored in a different format or altered!) and can return the classification (“CP”, “relevant”, “irrelevant”) to X-Ways Investigator
  • ...


X-Ways Investigator

X-Ways Investigator icon

X-Ways Investigator CTR is a new even further reduced version of X-Ways Investigator, which can open only the evidence file containers of X-Ways Forensics and X-Ways Investigator (raw format or .e01 evidence file), no other images an no disks/media. X-Ways Investigator CTR is suitable exclusively as an add-on to X-Ways Forensics when splitting up the analysis work across multiple investigators/specialist or when providing files in containers to lawyers or other people involved in the case, like an extremely powerful viewer program for containers. Findings can be exported from X-Ways Investigator CTR and imported back into the main case in X-Ways Forensics if desired.

Further limitations compared to X-Ways Investigator:

  • hash compuation and hash database not available
  • menu commands for exporting lists/subtrees not available
  • only option to refine the volume snapshot: metadata extraction
  • attaching external files not possible
  • GREP syntax not supported for searching
  • case log not included in case report
  • internal ID columns missing

All this for a price less than half of X-Ways Investigator. To verify what functionality exactly is available in X-Ways Forensics CTR, you can activate the user interface of X-Ways Investigator CTR in the General Options dialog window in X-Ways Forensics.


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